Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hello and welcome!

Well, hello there, my lovelies ~ welcome to my new blog 😊

I've been thinking about setting up a separate, stand-alone, blog for all my dolls' house ramblings for quite some time and finally decided to pull my finger out and just get on with it!  Of course, I will still be blogging regularly at My Cosy Orkney Home (MCOH) but everything to do with Hazelton or just my dolls' house obsession in general will now have a home here.  The main reason for separating out my dolls' house hobby is because MCOH is such a "busy" sort of blog what with all the work in the garden and in the house (although, fingers crossed, the latter has slowed up for the time being!), not to mention all the other things my little butterfly mind just happens to alight upon 😏

I'm really hoping to get on with working on my dolls' houses in earnest over the winter, as it's just so miserable and depressing trying to work in the garden (or to be even thinking about all that still needs to be done) when the weather gets bad.  I'm so lucky to have a lovely craft room to call my own; it's warm, dry and cosy, so I have absolutely no good reason for not getting out there.  Mind you I do have to carry out a humungous tidying up exercise in there before I can start actually start working, but I'm trying not to think about that too much for the time being 😄

I haven't quite decided what to do about all the dolls' house posts that are on MCOH.  I am leaning towards gradually copying them over to here, leaving the original posts in place.  I haven't quite got a suitable plan straight in my mind yet on how to set them up here, as I don't want to be mixing the old posts from MCOH with new ones on this blog ~ if that makes sense!  Mind you, I don't anticipate any dolls' house working in my immediate future so perhaps the issue won't even arise ~ watch this space😉  

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