Friday, August 30, 2024

Chaos tamed..... (first published on MCOH 18th August 2023)

.....more or less πŸ˜‰

Back in June I shared photos of what a mess my craft room was in yet again πŸ˜’

But look at this ~ clear surfaces LOL

I'll be honest, it took me bloody ages to work my way through everything, but I was determined to strike whilst my intentions to seriously downsize my craft supplies were still hot!  This little lot was just some of what I had stashed away in a tower of plastic drawers...

...I ended up only putting back a little of what had previously been languishing away in there ~ a mere two drawers' worth!

In the end I made the decision to use the craft room to concentrate on my dolls' house hobby.  There are a handful of other things like crochet, needle-felting, etc, that I shall continue to do but they are hobbies that I do in the house.  Because those supplies are also stored in the house I am mindful that I can't just keep adding to them willy-nilly ~ hence the stash-busting projects I have been (and still am!) working on.

I finished filling those drawers with lots of the little dolls' house bits and pieces.

Likewise, these lovely sturdy crates had been full to the brim of all sorts of crafting bits and bobs.  I went through them like a demon, making lots of Very Big Decisions and emptying them completely.  Of course, I now have a humungous amount of stuff to try to sell and also some to donate but it's far better to let someone else make use of it than having it all just sitting in my craft room taking up space ~ both physically and in my head πŸ˜‰

I had loads of blue plastic crates (you can see some of them to the left of the bookshelves in the first photo) crammed with all the dolls' house bits and pieces I've collected over the years.  Of course, because I haven't got any of the houses that I've also collected finished (most haven't even been built yet 😳) the crates just kept filling up.  I had a ruthless sort out, going through all of them, and everything I thought I would make use of is now stored in those much more sturdy white crates.

Everything I decided I wouldn't make use of is now in this crate, waiting for me to try them on Ebay in due course.

Even the Peediekins were tidied up...

...and are now relaxing in the wooden sewing box above, which I've stored beneath my desk so they are easily to hand.

It's amazing how much happier I feel now that I've done all this.  As I say I do still have lots of things to sell and donate but I'm content to do all that at a leisurely pace over the coming months ~ yes, there is such a lot of it that I truly believe it will take months!  I guess most folk would say it's something that should have been done a long time ago, but I know that I had to be in the right place mentally and emotionally.  I'm so grateful to Lyndi for giving me that initial mental and physical helping hand, but must admit that I'm also just a teensy wee bit proud of myself for completing the task under my own steam 😊 

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