About me

Hello there!  My name is Sharon and I am so pleased that you are visiting my blog.

 Adrian (my husband) and I moved all the way from Hitchin in Hertfordshire up to Orkney (one of the Scottish Northern Isles) in 2018.  We have two grown-up children (twins!).  Our daughter also lives in Orkney; our son still lives back south.  We have shared our home with an assortment of cats, dogs and chickens over the years but currently have no furry companions in our life.  Our sweet greyhound, Matty, passed away just before the Covid lockdown and although we are hoping to have a cat (or two 😉) at some point in the future, we have decided to leave it a while before adopting again.

I have way too many interests ~ I have a butterfly mind! ~ including (but definitely not limited to!) crafting, crochet, dolls' houses and miniatures, dolls, cooking and baking, gardening, reading.....There is always something new coming along to catch my eye ~ and strain my purse! 

My blog is a snippet of life in my little world, which I hope you will enjoy reading about and visit often.


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