Friday, August 30, 2024

Getting there! (first published on MCOH 17th December 2017)


The downsizing/sorting/tidying-of-the-craft-shed project, you'll be amazed to learn, really is on the homeward stretch ~ I know, I can hardly believe it myself LOL  I've only got all my dolls' house stuff left to sort through now.  Mind you, that is going to be a somewhat mammoth task as I have collected rather a lot over the years!

Still, since dolls' houses are one of the hobbies I didn't want to give up, hopefully all the little bits 'n' bobs I decide to hang on to will eventually be used in one of my house or shop kits.  I'm hoping that the lovely large shed in the garden of our new home will become my craft room ~ or "studio" as a friend insists I should call it ๐Ÿ˜‰  My plan is to set out my dolls' house town in there too.  Ideally, I'm hoping to make one area purely for working and the rest of the studio (LOL!) a place for sitting and day-dreaming about my little make-believe miniature town ๐Ÿ˜Š

So this coming week will mostly be dedicated to sorting through all things miniature.....I wonder if I'll get time to cull my yarn stash before we move! 

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